Mukundamala, or a Garland of praises to Mukunda (Bhagwan Vishnu), is a Sanskrit poem of 40 verses by a very devout king, Raja Kulasekhara Alvar.
Raja Kulasekhara is one of the twleve Tamil Vaisnavite Saints known as the Alvars.
This edition gives a verse by verse summary and explanation in English followed by a concluding chapter.
Mukundamãlã: A Garland of Mukunda Verses of Rãjã Kulasêkhara Ãlvãr
SKU: B5985
- ISBN10: 0
ISBN13: 0
Title: Mukundamãlã: A Garland of Mukunda Verses of Rãjã Kulasêkhara Ãlvãr
Author(s): S.L.N Simha, Dr. V.S. Sampathkumaracharya
Published Year: 2003
Page Count: 107
Condition: New
Tags: Kulasekhara Alvar, Devotional Poems, Bhakti, Azhwar