Shiva Sahasranama Stotra Ratnam
Back Cover:
In the Mahabharata, Shri Krsna, acceding to request of Grandsire Bhisma, narrates to Yudhisthira the 1008 names of Lord Siva, which He had received from the great Sage Upamanayu in the form of spiritual instruction long ago. This divine hymn bestows material success and spiritual unfoldment upon every sincere who chants these names.
The translation and explanation of each name given by Vidvan Sesachala Sharma will add the much needed clarity of thought, which when coupled with purity of mind and nobililty of purpose, will liberate the seeker, who chants these names with devotion, from all bondages of delusion and sorrow.
From the Preface:
An ancient verse goes as follows:
Vidyasu srutir-utkrsta rudraikadasini srutau
tatra pancaksari tasyam siva ityaksara-dvayam
‘Among all disciplines of knowledge, the Vedas are valued the most. Among the Veda mantras, the Rudra-Namaka having eleven sections is the best. Among the mantras of this Namaka, the string of five letters (na-mah-si-va-ya) is pre-eminent. There again, the pair of syllables si-va are the most precious, ’We have the line namah sivaya ca sivataraya ca in Sri Rudra-Namaka. The five-syllabled mantra picked up from there is thus said by the Veda.
In the Sri Rudra-Namaka, a large number of glories of Siva are described and so are ‘salutations to ‘Siva’ and synonyms of "Siva’s holy name". We do not find such large numbers in the case of other God-forms as Visnu in the body of Vedas. To the question, ‘Chanting what is the way to liberation?’ ‘Sri Yajnavalkya replies in the Jabala-Upanisad, ‘These indeed, the names of the Immortal.’ He refers to the names mentioned in the Rudra portion. Siva is immortal (untouched by death, time) and ever free.
....Published by: Chinmaya Prakashan
Language: Sanskrit Text and Transliteration with English Translation
ShivaSahasranama Stotra Ratnam
- ISBN10: 8175976586
ISBN13: 9788175976580
Title: ShivaSahasranama Stotra Ratnam
Author(s): Vidvan Sesachala Sharma (Translation, Explanation)
Published Year: 2018
Page Count: 266
Condition: New
Tags: Sahasranama, Shivji, Shiva, Siva, Stotram