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Shri Jayadayalji Goyandka, the writer of the spiritual essays, stands in little need of any introduction to our readers. He was the founder-president of the Gita Press.
A true light on the path of God-Realization can be shed only by a person, who has himself realized God, who has known Him, who lives in Him and through whom God manifests His will. Shri Jayadayalji was indeed a realized soul, obviously his ideas on the technique of realizing God must be most dependable, most illuminating and real gems of Godly wisdom.
We are full of joy to present this small volume in the hands of those who are keen to know God and are true aspirants and seekers of Truth as an unfailing guide, a comforting companion and an affectionate friend on their journey .....

Sure Steps To God Realization [Gita Press SKU 479]

SKU: B5991
  • ISBN10: 0

    ISBN13: 0

    Title: Sure Step To God Realization [Gita Press SKU 479]

    Subtitle: Gems of Truth -3

    Author(s): Jayadayal Goyandka

    Published Year: 2003

    Page Count: 252

    Condition: New

    Tags: Atma, Paramatma, Prakrti, Purusa, Sadhana, Meditation, Dualistic and Non-Dualistic Worship

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