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Sri Aurobindo Ghose (1872-1950) is one of the most towering and revered personalities of the Indian subcontinent.


[The Life Divine explores for the Modern mind the great streams of Indian metaphysical thought, reconciling the truths behind each and from this synthesis extends in terms of consciousness the concept of evolution. The unfolding of Earth's and man's spiritual destiny is illuminated, pointing the way to a Divine Life on Earth] - Publisher


"We speak of the evolution of Life in Matter, the evolution of Mind in Matter; but evolution is a word which merely states
the phenomenon without explaining it. For there seems to be no reason why Life should evolve out of material elements or Mind
out of living form, unless we accept the Vedantic solution that Life is already involved in Matter and Mind in Life because in
essence Matter is a form of veiled Life, Life a form of veiled Consciousness. And then there seems to be little objection to a farther
step in the series and the admission that mental consciousness may itself be only a form and a veil of higher states which are
beyond Mind." - Chapter One (The Human Aspiration), The Life Divine

Title: The Life Divine (USA edition)
ISBN 10: 941524612
ISBN 13: 9780941524612
Author(s): Sri Aurobindo
Published Year: 2011
Page Count: 1130
Weight: 3.3 lbs
Publisher: ‎ Lotus Press; Wisconsin, USA; 5th Impression 

The Life Divine - Sri Aurobindo

SKU: B5021
  • ISBN10: 941524612

    ISBN13: 9780941524612

    Title: The Life Divine


    Author(s): Sri Aurobindo

    Published Year: 2011

    Page Count: 1130

    Condition: New

    Tags: Aurobindo,Purusha,Supermind, Integral Yoga

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