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A delightful introduction to the yoga of meditation. 


"... if yoga is to be defined, it can be called the system of harmony. For example, what is called harmony in the English language, yoga is in Sanskrit...
Harmony implies an adjustment of oneself with an environment that is external to oneself. When there is no proper adjustment of one thing with another thing, we call it disharmony. When there is a proper adjustment, a smooth working of one principle, one fact, one object, one person with another, we regard it as harmony. Now, the question which may arise in our mind...."

Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana

SKU: B5984
  • ISBN10: 0

    ISBN13: 0

    Title: Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana


    Author(s): Swami Krishnananda

    Published Year: 2018

    Page Count: 55

    Condition: New

    Tags: Yoga, Meditation, Japa, Sadhana, Harmony

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